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Choosing Between a Head Table or Sweetheart Table

The head table encompasses the bride, groom, and wedding party, while the sweetheart table is a smaller setting where the newlyweds sit alone during the reception. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Since the benefits of one align with the drawbacks of the other, we present the pros of the “head table” and “sweetheart table” to assist you in selecting the ideal seating arrangement for your wedding.

Sweetheart Table


Allows you to experience a more intimate dinner as a couple and take everything in.

There is no pressure to make everyone in the bridal party and their significant others feel included via a head table.


You may feel on “display” without others surrounding you at the table.

You may feel a bit isolated from guests and dinner conversation.

Your bridal party and families may feel excluded from the honor of being seated at the head table.

Head Table


Allows you to mingle with your bridal party throughout the dinner.

The maid of honor and best man are near the bride and groom for giving scheduled toasts


Doesn’t offer you the opportunity to converse with close family members during dinner.

Could become cumbersome to include your bridal party’s significant others at the table (or you might decide this isn’t appropriate which could create an awkward experience for bridal party members).


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